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上传人:glfsnxh 2018/10/16 文件大小:18 KB




Once that is popped you will see the two wires that are connected to the bulb currently.
篇二:宝马3系e90音响机头拆卸图解HU removal
Now remove the heater controls which again pull out with little force.
I found that along the top edge of the heater controls where two plastic lugs which
clipped into the dashboard itself.
These didn’t require any force to remove and in all honesty you can just get your
fingers behind the unit and push it out uniformly.
On either side of the unit were two spring loaded clips that just popped out in this p(本文来自:文网:e90宝马说明书)rocess. (I should’ve photographed these!) I wouldn’t suggest pushing anything in from the sides of the unit as I have seen reference to on other guides, using a folded credit card etc. I had one of these to hand but it wasn’t necessary with this method.
It may be that the pre-LCI cars have a different fitment. Slight pressure was all that was needed.
Once you have it out there are three multi plugs which simply unclip. The centre and right hand clips in the picture have a bracket which you unclip and hinge downward. It can be seen on the centre plug in grey against the black. You push this to the left of the picture and it releases the black clip.
Here with the unit removed you can see the hinge type clip in the background.
Once the heater controls are removed the outer plastic trim su


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