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外贸英语口语(一)(第二版)教学课件unit 4 Seeing off Clients.ppt

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外贸英语口语(一)(第二版)教学课件unit 4 Seeing off Clients.ppt

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外贸英语口语(一)(第二版)教学课件unit 4 Seeing off Clients.ppt


文档介绍:Spoken English For Foreign Trade
Unit 4
Seeing off Clients
Learning Goals
After learning this unit, you will be able to
1. express your politeness by saying goodbye to clients;
2. express your gratitude about clients’ visit;
3. see off clients at the airport;
4. know the etiquette of seeing off clients;
5. master the basic expressions of seeing off clients.
Part VII More to Learn
Part IV Model Dialogues
Part III Key Sentences
Part II Warm-up Activities
Part I Lead-in
Part V Role –play Activities
Part VI Task Practice
Part I Lead in
How to see off your clients at airport
If a foreign client ends a business trip to return to his country, it doesn’t indicate that a business trade will be ended. In fact, how to see off clients is very important for you to keep a long-term business relationship with your client. So you should express your friendliness with enthusiasm as usual.
To value your clients, you are strongly suggested to hold a farewell dinner party or give gifts to your clients. You should prehensive plans and arrangements for a farewell feast. Banquet content should refer to your clients’ needs and taboos; he/she will produce a sense of much attention, and the friendship between the host and the guest will be deepened. During farewell feast, give gifts to your clients; he/she will be impressed. This gift not only expresses the friendship and respect for the reception party, but also is memorable for your clients.
Part I Lead in
You should confirm the time of your client’s leaving, the flight number, and then send him/her to the airport and try to be helpful with his/her baggage. If you have no time to see him/her off, you could ask your assistant or panion to do this instead of you. When departing, you should say “Have a good trip.” Or “Take care.” to him/her to express your good wishes.
Part II Warm-up Activities
I. Look at the following pictures and discuss the questions with your partner.
1. What do