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It is not difficult to should manage a Ktv, want to had managed a KTV, want its the society is cost-effective reach certain level with economic benefits, manage scientific system to change namely, the service is normative and excellent change management brand benefit etc, need does much work, fall in front of knowledge is objective and real as controller, carry out decision-making, organization, direct, harmonious wait for administrative function, make KTV place forms the biggest reception ability, assure double benefit of the place. bine the experience that sums up in learns administrative knowledge and job, protocol is as follows management plan, it is in order to offer cent of case of referenced a book on Chinese medicine management and manage two parts to undertake elaborating. The management of KTV place should manage the specific environment of interiorly, namely internal actual state of affairs on the foundation of this objective premise, have the government of origanization construction, of regulations system build on be apt to, serve the government of quality, the management that spot battalion carries, the construction pany culture. (one) constituent construction and management. As an enterprise, resource of the manpower material resources that needs to its place is had, financial capacity anization and government, KTV as service type business, its characteri


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