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文档介绍:硕士专业学位论文论文题目 中学历史综合实践活动课程的理论与实践 研究生姓名 张克州 指导教师姓名 王卫平 专业名称 学科教学(历史) 研究方向 中学历史教学 论文提交日期 2014年4月中学历史综合实践活动课程的理论与实践中文摘要I中学历史综合实践活动课程的理论与实践中文摘要为全面培养社会主义现代化建设人才,教育部于本世纪初启动了新中国成立以来最大规模的基础教育新课程改革。此次新课程改革的最大亮点之一是综合实践活动课程的设置。综合实践活动课程在培养创新人才方面发挥着不可替代的重要作用,然而综合实践活动课程在我国是个新生的事物,许多问题还没有统一的定论,本文从历史学科的角度来探讨中学历史综合实践活动课程。本文主要从理论和实践两个层面对中学历史综合实践活动课程进行研究。理论层面主要探讨中学历史综合实践活动课程的含义、特征、理论依据、实用价值、设计。实践层面主要是立足于实践和调查,以《抗日山综合实践活动》为例,来具体说明和论证中学历史综合实践活动课程的设计与开发,为综合实践活动课程的开展提供一定的参考和指导。关键词:综合实践活动;历史作 者:张克州指导教师:王卫平 Abstract The Theory and Practice of Middle School prehensive Practical Activity Courses IIThe Theory and Practice of Middle School prehensive Practical Activity Courses Abstract To cultivate all-round socialist modernization talents , the Ministry of education in this century started the biggest change of new curriculum since 1949, One of the highlights of the new curriculum reform is the integrative practical activity curriculum. Comprehensive practical activities play an irreplaceable important role in cultivating talents, however the integrative practical activity curriculum in our country is a new thing, many problems still have not unified conclusion, this paper is designed to analyze the history prehensive practice activity from the history angle. In this paper, the history prehensive practice activity is studied from two aspects of theory and practice. The theory mainly discusses the connotation, characteristics, basis, value, design principle of the history of integrative practical activities curriculum. The practice is mainly based on practice and investigation, it take the 《Anti Japanese prehensive practical activities》as an example to the design and development of specific historical and demonstration prehensive practice activity. It will provide some reference and guidance to carry prehensive practical activities. Key prehensive practical activity;history Written by Zhang Kezhou Supervised by Wang Weiping 目录绪论............................................


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