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文档介绍:精诚翻译工作室五周年五折优惠中! 先翻译后付费可以搜索”精诚翻译”或者 50 元翻译找到我们 SWOT Analysis of Medicinal Material Radix Tetrastigme Industry in Fujian Province Abstract: In this research project, radix tetrastigme was the research object, with prehensive value as the starting point and research results in the important demonstration base of radix tetrastigme in counties of Shunchang and Fuan of Fujian Province as the base; SWOT matrix analysis method was adopted to analyze external environment and internal conditions of the industry, its potential economic value was found, and the purpose of alleviating the demand for it in the market. The concept of sustainable development should be the core idea to realize the integrated development of the industry in the future and and standardization, modernization and internationalization of Chinese medicine market. Keywords: Radix Tetrastigme; Chinese medicine industry; Integrated Value;SWOT matrix analysis Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg belongs angiosperms,dicotyledoneae, rosidae, grape plant [1]. As perennial herbaceous climbing vine, its dried root or the whole plant can be medicine. It is mainly distributed in mountains of Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Guangxi, Sichuan, ans has the effects of heat clearing and detoxicating, promoting blood circulation and resolving masses, dispelling pathogenic wind and eliminating phlegm, regulating qi-flowing for stren