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DTZ 2008年一季度写字楼市场报告(PDF 12).pdf

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DTZ 2008年一季度写字楼市场报告(PDF 12).pdf

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DTZ 2008年一季度写字楼市场报告(PDF 12).pdf


Property Times
ᅃलڼ Q1 2008
Contents ణ୤
01 Market overview
02 Supply
03 Demand
06 Outlook
08 Shanghai Grade A Office Hub Distribution
09 Note and Assumption
Overview ๨ׇ߁બ
ഄोपႀጴ୍ຕ਍ੰ৊ႜକܔ଄ႜڤٻჺ৯ዐLjڦ܈1लڼOver the course of the first quarter, DTZ has been making ሞ
ڦ߾ྜ܈຺लڼຕ਍ੰዐLjཁेକඁ౎ڦsome refinements to its Shanghai Grade A office database. ᅃၵྲۙăሞۙኝࢫ
൶ںေDŽӸࠅ௬ओ29,671ೝݛ௝DžLjዱᇴٷ׊ݝࡔाڦAs a consequence of this enhancement it has decided to ׊ౢ൶
׭ڦ׊໽ࡔाূබዐ႐DŽӸࠅ௬ओ47,690ೝݛ௝DžࢅႸࣹ൶ڦ designate Metro Plaza (29,671 sq m of office gross floor area
ေDŽӸࠅ௬ओ47,141ೝݛ௝Džፕྺोपႀጴ୍ၜణăٷGFA)) in Changning District, CIFC (47,690 sq m of office ਸࡔा)
႗ূබዐ႐Ăظڦोपႀጴ୍ၜణԈઔࣜ೶൶ڦฉ๨܈gross floor area (GFA)) in Zhuyuan and Urban International ሞԨल
ٷᆀႜٶቀڦᆀዐ႐Ă୥ॆፊ۫ڦሁᄝ࠽ׇĂ׊ౢ൶ڦDevelopment Tower (47,141 sq m of office gross floor area ৢҾ൶
ေăٷࡔाٳᆦڦGFA)) in Xuhui District which pleted in the fourth ေᅜत೶۫)
quarter of last year, as a Grade A office properties. The
Ⴔ൱ີࡹுᆶ३ෑLjᇨፀᄺׯྺڦႀጴ୍ڗߛܔ๨ׇ܈1लڼ Grade A office properties that were placed onto the market
ፀࢽઠຫLjၙሞତৎ൶ڦፀନ௬ओٷႴᄲডܔin Shanghai during the first quarter of this year were Dawning Ղ඗၄ၡLjᅺྺ
ฉ࡛ႀጴ୍ڦ܈໯Ⴔ௬ओՂႷ༵മᇨፀă඗ܸLjኄᅃलڥCentre in Changning District, Park Place in Jingan District, ᇘइ
Chong Hing Financial Centre in Huangpu District, the ፀନ๨ׇਸ๔ׂิକᅃၵՎࣅLj՗၄ྺ੣ዃ୲ฉืᅜतට௷Լ
ೝ਩ፀূူࣂăڦStandard Chartered Building in Lujiazui and Yongda ྺԒॏ
International Tower in Pudong.
Demand in the market remained strong and office
pre-leasing continued to be a must for large space occupiers
wishing to secure offices on contiguous floors. This quarter,
however, witnessed the first signs of change in the dynamics
of the office market in Shanghai with the average citywide
vacancy rate beginning to rise and the average citywide
rental, in renminbi terms, actually beginning to dip.
On the Grade A office enbloc property investment front,
there were t