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  Unit 1 Lesson 3
  Part A Lets say, Lets chant Part C Culture
  Teaching Aims :
  1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee.
  2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: A a; B b; C c
  3. Through the chant review the letters of ABC, train a sense of group identity.
  Focus Points
  Difficult Points :
  Read the letters: Big letter C, small letter c; Write down them correctly and handsomely.
  Teaching Preparation:
  1. Letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball
  2. A little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.
  Designing for the blackboard:
  panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures)
  China Canada America Australia (words)
  Teaching Steps:
  Step1. Warm –up
  1. Sing a song.
  2. Free talk
  T: Hello. Im Wendy. Im from Hangzhou.
  S1: Hello! Im ... Im from Hangzhou,too.
  T: Nice to meet you.
  S: Nice to meet you, too.
  T: Lets play. Ok?
  S: Great!
  T: Watch out! (T throws the ball.)
  S: Oh, no.
  Make a similar dialogue with your partner.
  1. 1)T : Today, we will learn letters. Do you know letters? Just as A,B,C…… They are letters. Whats the meaning of letters?
  S: 字母。
  T: Great! A is the first letter. ( T shows letter A.)
  T: A a↗↘ S: A a↗↘
  T: This is big letter A. 大写字母A。
  T: Big letter A. S: Big letter A.
  T: Lets make a big letter A. (With the hands)
  Run two trains: Big letter A. (With the hands)
  T: This is small letter a.
  T: Small letter A S: Small letter A.
  T: Look at this girls head. Its a small letter a.
  小a, 小a, 小翘辫。
  Run two trains: Big letter A, small letter a.
  2). T draws an apple: Whats this?
  S: Its an apple.
  T draws an ant beside the apple: Whats this?
  S: Its an ant.
  T: A for ant, / /,/ /, / /.
  A for apple, / /, / /, / /.
  2. Teach B b, C c like above.
  Pay attention to the pronunci