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文档介绍:毕业论文题目基于嵌入式开发学生姓名学号班级十四班专业嵌入式系统工程分院信息技术分院指导教师 2013 年4月长春职业技术学院毕业论文(设计)专用纸摘要随着电子技术飞速发展和我国传统产业结构升级的加速人们对设备越来越高用需求已无法满足当前和未来高性能的应用与发展需求。同时激烈的市场竞争和技术竞争要求产品的开发周期越来越短显然嵌入式系统的软、硬件技术和开发手段正日益受到重视成为各领域技术创新的重要基础。嵌入式系统是将先进的计算机技术、半导体技术和电子技术和各个行业的具体应用相结合后的产物这一点就决定了它必然是一个技术密集、资金密集、高度分散、不断创新的知识集成系统。嵌入式是以应用为中心以计算机技术为基础软硬件可裁剪适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗等严格要求的专用计算机系统。由于嵌入式系统通常具有低功耗、体积小、集成度高等特点因此随着消费家电的智能化和廉价微处理器的出现嵌入式系统将在日常生活里形成更大的应用领域。嵌入式就业广泛嵌入式人才社会需求量大。论文内容条理清楚本着嵌入式控制系统的概况——开发——应用的撰写思路分三章逐步展开。第一章概况详细地介绍了嵌式控制系统的定义、框架、特点、发展历程、现状、前景第二章嵌入式控制系统的开发主要论述了开发的步骤与方法第三章嵌入式控制系统的应用结合实例论述了嵌入式控制系统的实际应用服务大众生活。作为这些研究成果的应用本文在最后总结系统的各方面能力和分析存在的问题为进一步的研究提供了方向和宝贵的经验。关键词电子技术嵌入式系统控制计算机集成系统长春职业技术学院毕业论文(设计)专用纸 Abstract With the ARM chip, aswell asthe emergence ofLINUX operating system for embedded development into astrong vitality. LINUX Operating System Design and Implementation ofthe ARM9 platform totransplantation. U-boot the system boot process, itisnecessary totransplant LIUNX operating system, U-boot isamust. LINUX operating system after essful transplant, the system still does not start, but also the need for root file system (rootfs) support, sothe system can beanormal start. However, for embedded systems isoften the function ofspecific design, so, the system inorder plete certain functions, but also the need for top-level application support. Real-time calendar and the clock shows the design inhardware and software design ofhardware that issynchronized. the led display at89s52 monolithic integrated circuits, and when should the electrical circuits, the system through the led display data sobehumanized operate and intuitive that effect. including the software application programs, the keyboard, the program, etc. This system tomonolithic integrated circuits ofthe assembly language for easily developing software design, and changes, software design touse modular design, the programming logical relationship with more and more soasto realize the time and date display the functions. all procedures inwriting aft