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文档介绍:剑桥英语公开课一、打招呼 H ello, boys and girls! I’m your new English teacher. ( 小朋友们大家好, 我是你们的新老师) My name is Ci Ci, Ok. f ollow me, Ci Ci,(5 times),my name is? O k, very good, let’s say Ci Ci as possible as we can. ( 看谁一口气能说 Ci Ci 说的最多)F irst, let’s take a deep breath( 跟老师做深呼吸,吸气,呼气,吸气) ready, go! Ci Ci …….My name is? 老师的名字是? 二、分组 N ow look at me carefully, I have a pair of scissors, kacikacikaci. I divide you into two groups. T his is 喜洋洋 group, and this is 美洋洋 group, today we will have a match. ( 这一组是喜洋洋队,这一组是美洋洋队, 我们今天来比一比) If you get one point, you will get a big apple. 如果你得一分, 就会得到一个大大的苹果, 下课的时候看哪组的小朋友得的苹果多,好不好? 三、课堂导入 Ok, before we begin our class, I have a question to ask you. ( 在我们开始上课之前, 我想问大家一个问题) Do you like animals? ( 你喜欢小动物吗? ) What animals do you like? I like animals too. Today I will introduce some animals to all of you .( 今天 Ci Ci 老师给大家介绍几位小动物认识) Who ing? ( 做兔子的动作) 四、正课教授 A. rabbit 1、带读 ok, follow me, rabbit,(5times) 兔子是?( rabbit ) 2、组读 ok, This group 3 times, rabbit, ready, go! T his group 3 times . ( 加分) 兔子是? 3、自然拼同学们伸出小手, r-a-b-i-t rabbit ( 3times )兔子是? 4、拍卡片游戏( O ne by one 纠正发音) Now let’s play a game. (我们来玩一个游戏) You should touch it and say rabbit as loudly as you can, ok? ( 找助教示范)L et’s have a try. 加分。兔子是? B、 turtle H ave you heard a story named “龟兔赛跑”?(同学们有没有听过龟兔赛跑的故事? ) The rabbit is here, please guess who will ing? ( 出示卡片)1 、带读 ok, follow me, turtle,(5times) 乌龟是?(