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上传人:AIOPIO 2021/3/12 文件大小:596 KB




文档介绍:摘 要
With the development of human society, the information technology and globalization, logistics has been highly valued by governments, scholars and managers, and has become an important part of the social economic activities. The logistics network is an important part of the logistics, logistics network covering all aspects of logistics and supply chain, logistics network planning is a business function and the traditional strategy of internal enterprises and logistics network adjustment and coordinate system, strategic, so as to improve the long—term performance of logistics network as a whole, thus guarantee the network related enterprises benefit and long-term and stable total goal of network optimization is to minimize the total cost of the network, including inventory holding cost, storage cost and transportation cost, at the same time to meet customer requirements on reaction time.The optimization of logistics network is usually in order to meet the customer response time requirements, make the distribution of the number of facilities to reduce as much as possible, the inventory holding cost and transportation cost balance.
Key words:logistics;network;function;transport
目 录
第1章 绪 论ﻩ1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 课题来源及意义ﻩ1
1。3 网络规划达到的目标及结论ﻩ2
1。4 现有网络基础ﻩ2
第2章 项目需求分析 3
2.1 网络系统需求 3
2.2 服务器系统需求 4
2。2。2 ERP开发/测试、培训系统服务器 7
2。3 存储备份系统需求ﻩ8
2。4 网络安全系统需求ﻩ9
第3章 网络建设目标、原则ﻩ11
网络建设的目标 11
3。2 网络建设原则 11
3。3 网络建设的主要内容ﻩ12
第4章 系统的总体设计 14
网络的总体结构 14
4.2 传输信道设计 15
4.3 核心网络设计ﻩ15
4。4 互联网接入设计ﻩ18
4.5 网络管理、接入认证、日志审计系统设计ﻩ18
4.6 IP地址规划 22
4.7 路由协议 23
与原有设备互联 26
4.9 服务器整体结构 26
4.10 服


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