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Odysseus——curse of the sea
Odysseus spots the massive wooden club he left behind, and gets an idea. With the help of his men, he shaves the narrow end to a fine point, hardens it over a flame, and waits. As nigh falls, the Cyclops returns. Odysseus offers the wine to the Cyclops. The beast downs one bowl, then another, and a third. Instantly, he begins to teeter. As the drunken giant stumbles around the cave he asks Odysseus his name and gets a dever answer. Odysseus says:”oh! Well, my name is nobody.” With that, the Cyclops crashes to the floor and passes out. Odysseus spring into action. With the help of his man, he lifts the buried stake, charges forward, and plunges it into the eye of the beast. Hearing the scream of the Cyclops inside his cave, the other Cyclops come around. The Cyclops at that point then answers,” Nobody is hurting me.” The wounded Cyclops opens the doorway in a blind rage. Odysseus sees his opening and makes his move. The Cyclops is sitting in front of the door and Odysseus doesn’t let them try to creep out. He ties them beneath the sheep.
He has lost 72 of his men in an ambush, and confronted hurricane winds. Odysseus faced death inside the cave of a monstrous Cyclops and the Poseidon’s curse.
204120122 英语121               汪林林
Odysseus——curse of the sea
Odysseus spots the massive wooden club he left behind, and gets an idea. With the help of his men, he shaves the narrow end to a fine point, hardens it over a flame, and waits. As nigh falls, the Cyclops returns. Odysseus offers the wine to the Cyclops. The beast downs one bowl, then another, and a third. Instantly, he begins to teeter. As the drunken giant stumbles around the cave he asks Odysseus his name and gets a dever answer. Odysseus says:”oh! Well, my name is nobody.” With that, the Cyclops crashes to the floor and passes out. Odysseus spring