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文档介绍:unit4mybody 教案 【篇一: unit 5 my_body 公开课比赛教案】
2014 — 2015 学年度第一学期
《unit 5 my body. 》 第一课时教学设计
执教者:银盏小学 黄金连
一、 teaching contents:
the first period of unit 5: my body.
二、 teaching aims:
a、students can listen, read and understand the new words: body, arms, head, mouth and legs.
b、students can use this is ⋯ and these are ⋯ to introduce their bodies.
c、 emotion:
(1)、to increase the students ’ interest on english learning.
(2)、to make the students have a good communication and
cooperation with each other from game-teaching.
三、 key points and difficulties:
b、 distinguish the singular and plural forms.
四、 aids: ppt, cards 五、 teaching procedures: step 一: warming up .
a、greeting: good morning ,boys and girs. nice to meet you .how are
b、review : what ’s this? it ’s an apple. what are these? they are pears.
c、today we are going to learn unit 5 my body .( 板书课题)
step 二: lead in.
a 、boys and girls, did you ever watch the 《pinocchio 》(木偶
奇遇记) ? do you want to watch it? ok, now let ’s enjoy our time,
watch the video and then answer my questions: 1, what ’s the
name of the puppet( 木偶 )? ――― pinocchio . 2, what ’s he
doing ?---- sleeping/ dancing b 、watch the 《pinocchio 》(木
step 三: presentation and practice .
1 、 make a puppet.
a 、do you want to make a puppet ? let ’s make a puppet, ok?
b 、look! this is his head. read after me please .head head .can


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