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Human growing demand for information, China's auto maintenance is not exceptional also, maintenance and technical personnel to the vehicle maintenance and repair information demand more and more strong, modern car maintenance enterprise management from the also don't open information resources and information technology: Information resources are widely used in the automotive industry.
Keyword information resources car maintenance application foreground
In to day's socie ty, human beings growing demand for informa tion, all countries in the world, whether developed or developing countries, are based on the competition of the new century. In order to win in competition, we must grasp the effective information through various means, thus grasping the initiative of economic development. It is expected that as the social economy develops, the need for information will become more and more high.
The present situation and problem of the demand of information resources in the Chinese automobile maintenance industry
The present situation of the demand of information resources in China' s automob订e maintenance industry
Auto maintenance technicians are increasingly in need of car maintenance information
More than 100 years before the birth of the car, just a simple four-wheel vehicles, after 100 years of development, by the original car change as a high-tech crystai. In p


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