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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/21 文件大小:315 KB





文档介绍:Manipulator i s now used as a i ndustrial robot s in use, the control obje ctives often appear ofte n in industrial automati on. Industrial a utomati on technology has gradually mature d, as mat ure a technology line has bee n rapi d devel opme nt in industrial aut omation a s a se parate subje ct. Ma nipulator appli cation bega n to filter into w eldi ng, logisti cs, mecha nical processing, a nd other industries. E spe cially at hig h or very low temperatur es, full of poisonous gases, high ra diation ca se, robot i n similar cir cumsta nce s showe d great use also bring s great conve nience to the staff. Preci sely be cause of this robot to get people's atte ntion bega n to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, w orking conditions, la bor i ntensive aspect s of prom oting development. Bot h at home a nd a broad to develop the PLC (pr ogrammable l ogic contr oller) is in vari ous spe cial cir cum stanc es and under spe cial conditi ons set for mechani cal device s. Now tur ned on the devel opme nt of the micr oele ctroni cs a utomatic control te chnology a nd t he rapi d devel opme nt of the trai ns, the succe ss of PLC hardwar e software a nd sim ulation control win big and succe ssful development, now
conti nues to develop as a fact ory automati on sta ndar ds. Because robots are g ood devel opme nt of the te chnol ogy makes a good optimization of pr oductive capital, a nd r obot shows this unique adva ntages, such as: ha s good compatibi lity, wide avai lability, hardwar e is complete, a nd programming that can be mastere d in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applicati ons became ubi quit ous. Ma nipulator in ma ny devel ope d country agriculture a nd industry has been a ppl ied, such as t he use of mechani cal harve sting large area s of farmland, re peate d operations on the high-speed l ine that uses a roboti c arm, and so on. T oday, the hig h level of automation combined wit h restricti ons on t he mani pulat or devel opme nt lev