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《旅?游》个人网站 网页设计毕业论文.docx

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《旅?游》个人网站 网页设计毕业论文.docx

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/13 文件大小:0 KB


《旅?游》个人网站 网页设计毕业论文.docx



文档介绍:毕业论文(设计) 中文题目: 网站的制作——《旅· 游》个人网站姓名: 学号: 专业班级: 10 计算机教育( 2 )班指导教师: 提交日期: 2 中文论文摘要随着互联网技术的飞速发展,互联网技术逐渐被应用到各行各业中,成为信息化研究开发的焦点。与此同时, 越来越多的人希望建立和管理自己的个人网站,本文主要阐述的是如何建设一个个人旅游网站以及在建设中使用到的各种技术和软件。关键词: 网站设计 Dreamweaver 旅游英文论文摘要 With the high-speed development of puter science and web technology, the tec hnology has been used gradually in many fields, which has been a focus of researching and exploitation of information industry. At the same time, more and more people hope to build their own web stations, which they must be able to manage by themselves. The below will explain how to build a 3 personal web station on travel, and introduce some techniques and some kinds of software used in the building process. ?关键词: Web building Dreamweaver travel 目录引言.......................................... ..................... 4 一、网站规划相关技术综述.......................................... 4 、社会可行性研究.......................................... .4 、本课题的研究意义................................... .4 、本课题要达到的设计目标............................. .5 、网站开发工具的介绍及选择................................. 5 、网站开发工具 Dreamweaver cs3 介绍...... .............. 5 、CSS+DIV 介绍....................................... 6 、HTML 简介......................................... .7 二、网站总体设计与规划.......................................... .8 ..................................... .8 ......... ............... .8 .............. .................. .9 4 ............................. .9 ....... ..... ........................ .9 ....... ............................. .9 ..... ......................... 10 三、网站的详细设计与制作........................................ 10 ..................................................... 10 创建和设计站点...................................... 10 ................................................. 12 创建文件夹.......................................... 12 创建文件..................