文档介绍:Gain() : Gain is expressed in Decibels (dB) where Gain=20log(V O /V I) ata specified Reference Frequency. V O is the output voltage and V I is the input voltage. In an analog amplifier, the reference frequency is typically chosen as the point where the gain is the highest for that particular channel. Due to the fact that digital amplifiers are tested ina flat EQ, the frequency is typically 1kHz. The GH amplifier Reference Frequency and Gain test are listed below in Table 1. Reference Frequency LRD RRD LFD RFD SUB 590 630 590 590 30 Hz Gain . LRD RRD LFD RFD SUB Input Signal Voltage 300 300 300 300 300 mV Nominal Gain DBg Max Deviation, Rm Temp +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- DBg Max Deviation, Oper Temp +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- DBg Table 1 Reference Frequency and Gain For example the gain on the LRD should with an input signal of 300mV at 590Hz. =20log(V O /) ==log(V O /) 10 = =V O / V O = Equalization() : In an analog amplifier the Equalization test is performed to verify the EQ of the amplifier. Ina digital amplifier it is performed to verify that the amplifier is performing normally across several different frequencies. The test is conducted in the same method as the Gain Test (). Measurements are expressed indB relative to the gain measured in th