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文档介绍:Abstract As abig agricultural country,the most population inchina isengaged infarming. Inthatsense,three—dimensional ruralissue(the issue ofagriculture,peasant and rural area)has e atop one throughout theeconomic development,which influences the whole situation ofreform and opening andthemodernization -collecting is alegal action thatthecountry nationalizes thecollective land forthepublic benefits according to the legal procedure,and gives pensation and proper allocation tothevillage collectives and collecting concerns alot on the economic development and the practical benefits of farmers,the system of pensation foradministrative expropriation isconstituted ineverycountry and region all over accordance with the requirements of themarket economy to re-arrange thestate,collectives and individuals intherelationship between thebenefits, and earnestly safeguard thelegitimate interests offarmers e an important problem that can not ,China’S pensation system forresearch,is thisarticle,the author would like to put forward China’Srural pensation system areasonable proposal. This articleisdivided intofourparts,namely,land pensation system basic theory;land pensation system parative law analysis;my country,land acquisition pensation system ofthepresent situationand existing problems and our country,land acquisition pensation system to improve on one ofChina’S pensation system and improve theexistence ofthecountermeasures articleholds thatin order to improve our country’S land pensation system,we should bined with China’S national conditions andboldly draw insome countries and regions on the practices and experiences,In the Constitution to establish pensation principles,formulate scientific and rational scope pensation pensation standards,to build avariety pensation,smooth channels forjudicial relief to protect thelegitimate rights and interests offarmers to


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