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上传人:xxj16588 2016/8/12 文件大小:50 KB




文档介绍:给国外客户打电话 Auttapol would like to speak to . . Yes,this is he speaking. . He is not in. . Wait a minute. call for you. . There is nobody here by that name. ,我大概拨错号了. Sorry, I must have dailed the wrong number. . The line is busy. 打来的电话,她找你. Auttapol is on the line. She wants to talk to you. 10. will give you a ring. 11. 没有人接电话. Nobody answers the phone. 12. 你知道我什么时候能找到他? Do you know what time I can reach him? 13. 你愿意留个口信吗? Would you like to leave a message? 14. 要不要我转达口信? May I take a message for you? 15. 如果你愿意留下姓名和电话号码,我会让陈先生尽快给你回电话. If you leave your name and telephone number,I will have call you back as soo as he is available. 16. 能不能请你告诉我你的办公和住宅电话号码? Could you please give me your office number and home number? 17. 别挂电话, on a minute while I get a pencil. 18. 你可以每隔几天给我通一个电话,以便我们保持联系. You can telephone me every few days, and in that way we can keep in touch with each other. 19. 我一个上午都在给医生打电话,但没有接通过. I have been telephoning all morning, but I haven't been able to speak to the doctor. 20. 我们的电话打了一半突然断了. In the middle of our telephone coversation,wo were suddenly cut off. +19... 等的电话时,第一时间准备好纸笔,方便记录.(这个是避免手忙脚乱)。 ,礼貌的问候"HELLO" ,然后通常他会首先说他要找谁,你听到你的名字就说"This is xxx speaking."( 礼节性问候,表示出亲切友好,并确认他没找错人)。 ,