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上传人:企业资源 2012/1/4 文件大小:0 KB




随着计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变, 卖方市场向买方市场转变, 企业采购物流管理的地位越来越重要, 采购环节越来越成为企业降低成本、提高竞争能力的关键环节。但对中国的大多数企业而言, 采购物流管理仍然是非常薄弱的, 计划经济、短缺经济下粗放的采购管理方式仍然有强大的惯性, 采购环节漏洞形成的既得利益使得加强管理面临阻力。现在很多的企业对其供应系统做了大胆的尝试,尽管有些成功,有些失败。但是,总体上来讲,大多数的企业没有把采购管理纳入供应链管理的视角下。这就产生如下问题:企业轻视采购管理;企业压榨供应商;因为没有良好的沟通和约束机制,采购的效率低;当然,也不可避免的造成采购成本高居不下,甚至是浪费严重;同时存在采购人员与供应商间的灰色交易等等。基于这些原因,但如何开展好企业内部采购管理,真正实现降低采购成本,这是留给企业亟待解决的课题。
With the planned economy to socialist market economic system changes, changes in a seller's market to a buyer's market, enterprise procurement management is ing more and more important, purchasing is increasingly ing part of enterprises to reduce costs and improve the key , the majority of Chinese enterprises, procurement management is still very weak, and the planned economy, the shortage economy of procurement under the extensive management still has a strong inertia, loopholes in the procurement aspect of the formation of vested interests to strengthen the administration is facing resistance makes. Now panies make their supply system in a bold attempt, in spite of some essful, some not. However, generally speaking, the majority of enterprises do not manage the procurement supply chain management into raises the following questions: business take the procurement management; enterprise squeeze suppliers; because there is no munication and restraint mechanism, lower the efficiency of procurement; of course, the inevitable result of high procurement costs, and even a waste of serious; At the same time, the existence of procurement between staff and suppliers and so on gray transactions. For these reasons, but how to carry out internal procurement enterprise management, truly reduce procurement costs, it is left to the subject of urgent business.
Key word:Procurement logistics Supply chain
Logistics management Risk Control


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