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文档介绍:I ・ Part # Section 14 A Steering Gears. Rudder Propeller Units, Lateral Thrust Units,
GL 2010 Winches, Hydraulic Contro
Tlie requirements contained in A apply to the steer・ ing gear including all the equipment used to operate the rudder, the steering station and all transmission elements from the steering station to the steering gear. For the nidder and inanoeu\Ting arrangement, see GL Rules for Hull Structures (1-1-1), Section 14.
Tlie requirements set out in SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 29 and 30 in tlieir most actual version are integral part of this rule and are to be applied m their full extenr.
Documents for approval
Assembly and general drawings of all steering gears, diagrams of the hydraulic and electrical equipment together with detail drawings of all important load・ transmitting components are to be submitted to GL in tnplicate for approval.
The drawings and other documents are to contain all the information relating to materials, working pressures, pump delivery rates, drive motor ratings, etc. necessary to enable the dociunentation to be checked.
Approved materials
As a rule, important load・transmitting components of the steering gear are to be made of steel or
cast steel complying with the Rules II - Materials and Welding. Part 1 一 Metallic Materials.
Such materials should not have an elongation of less than 12 % nor a tensile strength in excess of 650 N/mm2.
With the consent of GL, cast iron may be used for certain components.
Pressure vessels in general are to be made of steel, cast steel or nodular cast iron (with a predominantly ferritic matrix).
For welded structures, the Rules II 一 Materials and Welding. Part 3 — Welding are to be observed
Casings with integrated journal and guide bearings on ships with a nozzle nidder and ice class are not to be made of grey cast iron.
The pipes of hydraulic steering gears are to be made of seamless or longitudinally welded steel tubes. The use of cold-draxxn. luiaiinealed tubes is no