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文档介绍:L’Oréal Supply Chain Diagnostic
March 18,
Presentation Agenda
Project Scope and Activitieset
New Product Introductions
Net Inventory and Lead Times from the Forecast
Distributed Requirement Planning
Capacity Requirement Planning
Customer Allocations
Communicate forecast to Suppliers
Receive supplier commitment
Process Customer Orders
Plan and Manage Finished Goods Inventory
Picking and Packing
Manage Outbound Product Flow
Manage shipping & transportation
Generate Invoice
Credit management and A/R
(*) Out of scope
Demand Planning – Issues and Opportunities
Manual and Inconsistent Processes
The forecast process is mostly manual, inconsistent across brands and divisions (due to different levels of maturity) as well as both time and resource consuming
There is no formal process for determining which products should be focused on during the forecasting meetings
No one department “owns the forecast”
There is no mechanism for automatically generating a baseline forecast
Too much time is spent on manual processes, data clean-up and generating reports, leaving insufficient time to analyze data and manage exceptions
L’Oréal Canada’s brand forecasts are not all aggregated up into one forecast limiting visibility and data sharing
L’Oréal Canada does not have simulation or “what if” capabilities
Many disparate tools are being used to facilitate forecasting - Excel, Valo, SAP and Outils Gestion. Interfaces have been built between the various tools and systems, but manual verification is required and the current technology still does not meet L’Oréal ’s requirements
POS, Nielsen, customer information, promotional and advertising information are not all integrated in one central repository
Process Redesign
Spend time forecasting products that give the highest return. Not all product lines benefit from increased attention. Focus on high margin, low volume, big ticket items, high profile items and it


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