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上传人:读书百遍 2022/3/19 文件大小:13 KB





常用医学英语口语 常用医学英语口语 Nurse(N) Patient(P) 1. 医生护士英语会话:内科 N:
  Good morning. P:
   ) What seems to be the trouble What seems to be the problem What"s troubling you Wher does it hurtIn what way are you feeing sick What seems to be bothering you Tell me what your problem is When did the pain start Which tooth is troubling you What hurts you What"s wrong with your ear Since when have you been feeling like that How long have you had this trouble How long has it been this way What did you eat yesterday Have you take any medicine for it Do you feel tired Are you feeling sick Any vomitting Are you feeling all right Are your bowels regular Do you cough Do you feel short of breath sometimes Do you have any appetite Do you have any difficulty breathing Does it hurt Did you have any pains here before Have you ever had this experience before Have you had any chronic diseases in the pastHave you ever heard of any chronic diseases whin your family How is your sleep Is this cut still painful Did you suffer from an allergy Doctor(D) Patient (P) D:Good morning. What"s troubling you P:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache. D:All right, young man. Tell me how it got started. P:Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I"m afraid I"ve got a temperature. I feel terrible. D:Done worry, young man. Let