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上传人:爱的奉献 2022/4/20 文件大小:51 KB




文档介绍:L a n


u a g e

a n


M e a n


ed you to my birthday party on Sunday afternoon, May 15. All my school friends
and a few of my teachers will be( )
A. Attending B. Inviting C. Staying D. Arriving
My mother asked me if I waned anyone else to come, ( )
A. But B. And C. While D. Therefore
the first person I thought of was you! I hope you have to drive (

For to get here two hours
Two hours for to get to there
To get for two hours there
For two hours to get there
But the party should be a lot of fun, with music, games, and, of course, birthday cake!
Love. Sandra
next assignment for art class will be different from( )
A. Extra B. Previous C. Continued D. Interesting
ones. This time, you, the students, get to choose what each of you wants to create. You can do a clay sculpture, a drawing, a watercolor painting,
or anything else( )
Before we in class have done
Done in class we have before
We have before in class done
We have done before in class
You can choose ( )
A. Any B. That C. Some D. Another
subject you want. What is more important is ( )
A. It is thought B. That you think
C. You think of it D. What you think
carefully about what you want to create before you begin..
5. Ski jumping is a winter sport( )
A. The B. That C. Which D. In which
competitors ski quickly down a hill and launch themselves into the air,
trying to fly as( )
A. Far is possible as far C. Far as possible D. Far a possibility Ski jumping was started in nineteenth century by a Norwegian army officer, Olaf Rye. He enjoyed skiing and liked to show his fellow
soldiers( )
A. So far he could jump B. How far he could jump
C. To be able to jump so far D. and he could jump that far
while skiing downhill.