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文档介绍:Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ? Period 5 3a-selfcheck Watertown water slides Watertown dress up as clowns clowns Eat Eat Have fun Have fun learn learn kids kids teenagers teenagers Water Water slides slides Parents Parents Uncle Bob ’s Farm ’ s market Clown City anized games clowns Dance lessons Science Museum Sports Museum History Museum Watertown is a ____________ for the family ___________. Teenagers want to visit_____________________________ and eat at _____________. _____________________ plays at Uncle Bob ’ s every night. Kids will enjoy______________. They have __________ games and the staff __________ as _______. There ’ s also a lot ____________ in Watertown. They can find ___________ at Farmer ’ s Market ______ the food is both __________ and ______. While the children have fun, the parents can ___________________ on the beach. Everyone can ________________ in Watertown. There are three __________. ___________ love the Sports Museum. Kids enjoy the _________________. Parents will _______ many hours walking through the _________________. great place to take a vacation the world ’ s largest water slides Uncle Bob ’s A different rock band Clown City anized dress up clowns for parents good food where delicious cheap take dance lessons learn something museums Teenagers Science Museum spend History Museum beautiful safe delicious convenient fascinating I live right next to a supermarket. It ’s very . 2. I find stamps . I ’ ve been collecting them for many years. 3. Mr. Tan makes the best noodles in town. They ’ re ! 4. The Fine Arts Museum is both and interesting. 5. Put your wallet in a place. convenient delicious fascinating safe beautiful Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is? It’ s between the Fifth Avenue and the Garden Road on the west side of the Central Street. 2. Excuse me, could you tell me where the movie theatre


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