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文档介绍:——Little Red Cap
My English Story
Long long ago, There was a pretty girl. She lived in the forest. Her grandm——Little Red Cap
My English Story
Long long ago, There was a pretty girl. She lived in the forest. Her grandma loved her very much. She liked wearing red hats, So people all called her “Little Red Riding Hood”.
One sunny morning, the mummy
take a blanket and put some fruits in it.
Little Red Riding Hood: Hi, mummy, what are you doing?
Mum: Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for her. Take them to Grandma.
Little Red Riding Hood: Ok !
Mum: Be good. Be careful, sweetie.
Little Red Riding Hood:yes ,mummy.
Goodbye, mummy.
Little Red Riding Hood:
Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!
One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.
Wolf: I am wolf. I am hungry. Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood, Where are you going to?
Little Red Riding Hood: To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. I’ll take the fruits to he.
Wolf: Grandma , I’ll eat you.
Grandma:Oh my god! Help me!
Wolf: Wonderful!Let me wait the
Little Red Riding Hood .
Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma.Grandma.
Wolf: Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise !
Wolf:Come in, Come in.
Little Red Riding Hood: Oh! What are big ears!
Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.
Little Red


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