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文档介绍:鹦鹉便便训练(Parrot poo training)
Compared to dogs and children, training a parrot to excrete can be said to be much line. In a few minutes, put him back in, down, and the next password. If your parrot has a copy of your password, don't forget to compliment him.
When your bird is not in the cage, when you think he is about to poop, notice if he has signs of defecation. For example, if your bird is about 20 times larger, then almost 15 minutes after your last bowel movement, you should begin to notice if he has any body language. Then take him to the designated place and give him the password. Every time your bird succeeds in obeying your password, don't forget to compliment him. If it fails, it's as good as nothing. Editor's note: if you fail, don't try to comfort the birds or make any bird's attention. Otherwise, birds will easily assume that this is encouragement
Continue the above fixed process for a period of time, days or even weeks. Your bird may learn the rules of poo poo. The same, encouraging him to succeed, ignoring his failure.
Note that if your bird succeeds, he will immediately pick up the cage and praise him loudly (if your place is in a cage). For birds, being together with the owner and receiving the owner's attention is one of the best rewards.
Matters needing attention
When you train your bird, it's only positive encouragement. Never ne


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