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上传人:ttteee8 2022/7/7 文件大小:277 KB




文档介绍:专业: 网络工程
学号: 0913110216
Flphpi Nnrmfil TTnivpr«ifv nf Sripnrp & Tpchnnlnav
题 目: 妇婴用品购物网站的书籍通过购物车购买、留言等等的功能,进而实现了网站与客户之间良好 的交流与沟通,使得整个系统操作简便、界面友好、灵活实用。
Design and Implementation of Maternal and Infant Supplies
Shopping Website
With the overall progress of the society and economy and the rapid development of science and technology, the development of network, the rise of e-commerce, the rapid development of the online store, network has been integrated into people's daily life. Based on the computer technology and network technology, all walks of life are promoting the information, in order to provide the benefits and the competitiveness, online shopping has become a new way for people shopping..
This system is a virtual shopping mall, can make shopping process becomes more convenient, easy and fast, but also opened up a new form of sales. Maternal and child shopping website system sales compared with the traditional store model, more convenient, rapid retrieval, and low cost, high efficiency, large storage capacity, but also has long service life and low communication cost a bit, these advantages can improve work efficiency to the maximum. Computer network technology is in a rapid development period, and the web server is no longer only HTTP service and other web server technology development also makes the server database services and application of universal service exists in all sites.
This shopping website system is a medium small maternity shopping website system, can provide convenient and quick and easy online shopping environment for all types of users. The maternal and child shopping site in front of the system using static and dynamic page technology combining; background using PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) + MySQL technology, database technology as the foundation can greatly reduce the site maintenance, the realization of this system more functional, functions such as user lo