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基于VMD与自适应MOMEDA的回转支承故障诊断 郑强.pdf

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基于VMD与自适应MOMEDA的回转支承故障诊断 郑强.pdf

上传人:dt83088549 2022/7/25 文件大小:450 KB


基于VMD与自适应MOMEDA的回转支承故障诊断 郑强.pdf


文档介绍:第 5 期 组合机床与自动化加工技术 No. 5
2022 年 5 , , , �
ical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China

Abstract Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to extract the fault characteristics of the low -speed and

heavy-load slewing bearing under strong background noise a slewing bearing fault diagnosis method based
on the combination of variational mode decomposition and multipoint optimal minimum entropy deconvolu-
, ,
tion adjusted is proposed. Firstly the VMD algorithm is used to decompose the original vibration signal and

the optimal component of kurtosis is selected from it. Secondly the parameter T in the MOMEDA algorithm

is optimized by the grey wolf optimization algorithm and then the fault impact component of the optimal