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7 05 大好时机.ppt

上传人:allap 2017/7/21 文件大小:5.74 MB


7 05 大好时机.ppt


文档介绍:pour door floor score
team steam scream
right slight polite
hand stand brand
mean green machine
sink think drink
goal hole
the bully: Hilda
a tea lady
“Oh, no!”
Reading aloud
Chapter 1 (P3-P7)

‘Ssh. She'll hear you.’
‘She certainly will hear me.’
‘Fancy. A bunch of men, scared of a little old tea lady.’
‘She's not little. She's not that old. And we're not scared of her. We're terrified.’
‘Where will I find this Hilda?’
Not scared and unbelieving
‘Good luck.’
strode towards the
door to meet Hilda
Chapter 2 (P8-P20)
What did she do?
How did he feel?
How did Hilda appear?
What did Hilda do?
How did Ray feel?
At the tea stand
On the pitch
In the changing room
Events 1
Someone in the crowd yelled, ‘That’s not a proper goalkeeper...’(P21)
Hilda's feelings
angry, unhappy
Events 2
ran at a City player who rushed to the goal and stopped him scoring(P23)
Hilda's feelings
Events 3
scored and finished the game(P25)
Hilda's feelings
happy, excited, proud of herself


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