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文档介绍:What steps do you take to reduce downtime?
Current Situation Questions
Capability Questions
1. What actions do you take to troubleshoot systems? How much time is spent troubleshooting or replacing & plex I/O devices, like a damaged drive? How often do your people connect to a system and find out that they don’t have program documentation? Does this cause additional resources to get involved? How much does an hour of downtime in lost production cost? Do you incur overtime costs for extra hours needed to troubleshoot systems? Measure # % $ E
2. When changes are made to a production run, how do you modify & store parameters? How often are changes made to production runs, such as packaging size, labelers, etc.? What is the average amount of time it takes to configure the devices correctly and get back on line? How much time is lost due to incorrectly configuring the device, or not having the correct configuration information available? How much does an hour of machine downtime cost? Measure # % $ E
3. Are you ever down due to a lack of spare parts? What additional time do parts shortages add to your total downtime? How do you know if you have the pliment of spare parts available? What is the turnaround on getting spare parts? Do you feel there is obsolete material present in your inventory? What are your costs associated with the obsolescence?
Measure # % $ E
Recap: “So your current situation is…”
Confirm Solution: “If you had (capabilities)…could you then (achieve goal)?”
What specific capabilities are you looking for?
1. Event:
When a problem occurs in your production system,
would it help if
your maintenance engineers
could identify the problem by accessing one central data table and take corrective action without retrieving multiple programs and multiple copies of documentation, so that the system is fully functional?
When a change occurs in a production run (such as packaging
size or labeling),
would it be helpful if
your con


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