nition: linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.
Three key words:
♦ Language:preceded by the zero article implies not any particular language but language in general.
♦ Study: investigate examine research
♦ Scientific:
observation →generalization→hypotheses formation→data collection→hypotheses testing→ theory formulation
How to make a study"scientific"?
1) Exhaustiveness: gather all the materialsrelevant to one's investigation and give theman adequate explanation.
2) Consistency: make no contradiction between parts of the total statement
3) Economy: other things being equal, simpler shorter analysis is better.
4) Objectivity: be as objective as possible in describing and analyzing the data, allowing no prejudice to influence one’s generalization.
the scope of linguistics
General linguistics: the study of language as a whole. This deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions models and methods applicable in any linguistic study, in contrast to branches of study which relate linguistics to the research of other areas.
General linguistics can be further divided into theoretical linguistics (micro-linguistics) a