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初二英语说课 PPT课件.ppt

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初二英语说课 PPT课件.ppt


文档介绍:UNIT 7
Would you mind turning
down the music?
Section A
Background information
Teaching aims
Language focuses and anticipated difficulties
Teaching methods
Teaching aids
Teaching procedures
Blackboard arrangement
Ⅰ.Background information
Analysis of the Teaching Material
The teaching material is from Go for It Book 8B Unit7 section A. The topic of this unit is about “Complaints”. The functions of this unit are “make requests and apologize”. The materials are mainly from the real life and familiar to Ss. In the meanwhile, the topic of this unit is about politeness, which is easy for students to understand and get in to character. But several language structures are easy to be confused. So in this lesson, teacher should use lots of Pictures of the scene of life to make student actively participate in the class and improve their ability of using the language. And then learn how to municate with others.
Analysis of the students
The students are from grade 2 in junior high school and they have learned many verbal Phrases, which lay a good language foundation for expression. Besides, students have learned the use of imperative sentence and can you/ could you please… to make a request. Having the perceptive context of this unit, students can link what they have learned with the topic of this unit smoothly.
Ⅱ.Teaching aims
Knowledge Aims :
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Master the new words and phrases: dish, yard, wear jeans, put on, and get out of, in a minute.
Use the structures “would you mind +gerund (formulaic); will for intentions”. For instances, “would you mind moving your bike? Not at all, I will do it right away.”
read and understand the dialogue
2. Ability Aims:
Students should be able to:
use the key sentence patterns to make conversations.
listen, speak, write and use the new words and know how to politely make a request and apologize in daily life.
communicate with others better.
3. Affection Aims:


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