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文档介绍:parative Study of Cohesion in Wuthering Heights of Its Two Chinese Versions
Lang Tingting
A Thesis
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
in the School of Information and Business
of North University of China
Under the Supervision of Zhang Sijie
June 10, 2016
In the process of the writing of this paper, my teacher Zhang Sijie devoted a great deal of efforts to my thesis, from choosing the topic to the thesis proposal, from the outline to the whole thesis, he pointed out the specific issues in them over and over again, strictly and persuasively.  I express my sincerely thanks to him.  Meanwhile, I would also like to thank my teachers, classmates and friends, I was given great care and support in the time of finish my thesis. Writing a thesis is a systematic learning process. pletion of the thesis also means a beginning of a new life.
United Kingdom writer Emily. Brandt wrote novel Wuthering Heights in 1837. It makes she a greate person in United Kingdom literary history. The book was translated into multiple versions in our country. The thesis based on Ms Yang Yi and Mr Song Zhaolin's versions. The author hope to find the cohesive translation differences in this two versions, get some inspiration about cohesive device, and the point of cohesion when translation the English novels into Chinese. And this plays an active role when doing translation practice. The conclusion of this paper is that cohesion plays a very important role in both understanding the origin texts and rebuild the versions. In the translation process, paying attention to the sense of cohesion is more beneficial for the production of a good translation which functional equivalent to the original text.
Keywords: Wuthering Heights; cohesive; grammatical cohesion; lexical cohesion


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