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上传人:问道九霄 2012/3/5 文件大小:0 KB




题目: 广告与消费心理研究—以江南大厦POP广告为例
parative Consumer and Industrial Buying Psychology
This is a very special issue of the International Marketing Review. It is, in effect, a sampler of the symposium parative research held under the auspices of Division 23, Consumer Psychology, of the American Psychological Association and the College of Business Administration of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu December 1984. The purpose of the issue is to emphasize five points, namely that:
• perceptions and psychology are at the heart of marketing
• buying is the other half of marketing, in industrial procurement as well as consumer purchasing
• there is a linkage between marketing and materialism as well as economic development and cultural change
• the importance of the Pacific Rim is ing recognised by marketing researchers; and
• that there is tremendous challenge and payoff potential in cross-cultural, comparative research in marketing.
In making the selections for this IMR issue your guest editor was guided by the desire to highlight these points. Several additional criteria were employed. In tune with the editorial philosophy of the IMR pragmatically oriented articles, especially those with managerial or consumer policy implications, were preferred over papers restricted to theory and/or methodology. When in doubt, international studies were preferred to studies confined to subcultures within a country. In at least one case a paper by a non-US author was chosen over a substantially equivalent paper by American researchers in line with the international character of the IMR.
A total of 32 papers were presented at the symposium. They are all accounted for
in Proceedings of the Symposium parative Consumer Psychology, Charles F Keown and Arch G Woodside, eds, Honolulu: College of Business Administration, University of Hawaii and Division 23, Consumer Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1985, albeit those presented here in abstracte


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