[摘要] 在市场竞争环境下,医疗行业竞争愈发激烈,而医务人员是创造、组织财富不可或缺的源泉,是医院发展的最大动力,更是最重要的人力资源。医院人力资源管理贯穿人力资源活动的全过程,包括选人、育人、用人、留人。好的人力资源就要有好的管理机制,对重要资源加以开发、利用和管理,能够开发人的潜能,激发人的活力,使其能积极主动地、创造性地开展工作。本文从人力资源管理角度分析影响医务人员满意度的相关因素,发现存在的问题,并采取相应的改进措施,以有效提高医务人员的满意度,进而提高医院的服务能力,促进医院稳步发展。
[关键词] 人力资源管理;医务人员;满意度
[中图分类号] [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)04(c)-0140-03
Improving human resource management measures to improve the satisfaction of medical staff
Department of Human Resources,Xiaotangshan Hospital of Beijing,Beijing 102211,China
[Abstract] In petitive market environment,the medical petition is increasingly fierce,and the medical staff is the indispensable source of creating anizing wealth,is the largest
power of hospital development,who is the most important human human resource management runs through the whole process of human resources activities,including selecting,educating,using and keeping human resources have a good management development,utilization and management of important resources can develop human potential,stimulate the vitality of the people,so that the people can actively and creatively carry out the thesis analyzes influence factors related to the satisfaction of medical staff from the view of human resources management,discover the existing problems,and take corresponding measures,so as to effectively improve the satisfaction of medical staff,improve the ability of hospital service,promote the steady development of the hospital.
[Key words] Human resources management;Medical personnel;Satisfaction degree
1 人力资源管理与医务人员满意度的相关性