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文档介绍:Acknowledgements 5-6
Abstract 6-7
摘要 8-12
1 Introduction 12-16
Background 12-14
The Reasons of This Study 14-15
anization of the Thesis 15-16
2 The Definition and Classification of English Euphemism 16-27
The Definition of English Euphemism 16-18
The Classification of English Euphemism 18-27
From the Perspective of Semantics 18-19
From the Perspective of Application 19-27
3 The Motivation and Formation of English Euphemism 27-40
The Motivation of English Euphemism 27-31
Avoiding Taboo 27-29
For Disguising 29
Being Polite and Considerate 29-30
For Encouraging Others 30-31
The Formation of English Euphemism 31-37
ic Approach 31-32
Lexical Approach 32-33
Semantic Approach 33-34
Grammatical Approach 34-36
Rhetorical Approach 36-37
The Formative Principles of English Euphemism 37-40
The Principle of Distance 37-38
The Principle of Relevance 38
The Principle of Pleasantness 38-40
4 A Pragmatic Analysis of English Euphemism 40-61
An Analysis from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle 40-45
The Cooperative Principle 40-41
The Violation of the Cooperative Principle 41-45
An Analysis from the Perspective of Politeness Principle 45-51
The Politeness Princ