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How to use literal translation and free translation proper?
People often discuss literal translation and free translation. We lay stress on how to handle two different kinds of language. And which way of translation is better to use to translation a sentence. Especially, target language must express what source language means, distortion is not allowed. Literal translation and free translation are two main forms of translation. They are not repulsive, contrarily, they plementary. Translation literally, if possible, or appeal to free translation. Literal translation retains original skill. So it is get on for original. When literal translation, encounter some tostadas, people often use free translation.
Free translation expresses general idea of the original, and can be accepted by readers. A good position contains literal translation and free translation.
1. What is the conception of literal translation and free translation?
2. How to use literal translation properly?
Translate literally, if possible.
Literal translation ≠word-for-word translation.
Some sentences should not translate literally.
3. How to use free translation properly?
If it has some trouble to understand a sentence in using literal translation, use free translation.
Don not adds personal emotion to the original works.
Free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.
This article is about literal translation and free translation and how to use literal translation and free translation properly. Literal translation is a good choice to use; it keeps the original message form. But literal translation is not word-for-word translation. Some sentences should not translate literally. Because these sentences contain some idioms or not according with the custom of target language. Then, translators should use free translation. Free translation is a translation sk


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