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上传人:分享精品 2016/3/5 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:1 黄帝内经中六气致病论的英语翻译探讨摘要:“ Huangdi Nei j i ng ”, the bi bl e of TCM, has pr ofound and obscur e language as wel l as anci ent and abundant rhet ori c devi ces. It is not onl y a Medi cal li t erat ure, but al so a model of the anci ent medi cal about Chi nese rhet ori c wi el d. Ther e are al so si gni fi cant di ff erences in the cont ent s of the text and di fferences in the fact ors such as the tr ansl at or ’s li ngui st i c and educat i on background, tr ansl at i on ski l l s, target readers and ini t i at ors of the tr ansl at i on. The appl i cat i on of pl ural i st i c anci ent - Chi nese rhet or i c devi ces make it s Engl i sh di ffi cul t . To bet t er under st and the effect s of tr ansl at or ’s subj ect i vi t y on tr ansl at i on, or i gi nal sent ences of Huangdi Nei j i ng and thei r Engl i sh equi val ence were pi cked out . The Engl i sh Sent ences pared bet ween di ff erent versi ons and thei r di ff erences were anal yzed based on the theor y of tr ansl at or ’s subj ect i vi t y. 关键词:黄帝内经英译比较六气中医药是我国传统文化的瑰宝,长期以来为中华民族的繁衍生息做出了不朽的贡献。在人们日益追求绿色环保回归自然的今天,中医药更是以其神奇的疗效绿色天然及较小的毒副作用在世界范围越来越得到重视和认 2 可。中医日益走向国际化,中医翻译事业也随之日益繁荣。《黄帝内经》是我国现存最早的系统完整的医学典籍, 集中反映了我国上古时代至秦汉时期的主要医学成就, 奠定了中医的理论基础。目前已有多个英译本,是研究中医翻译的主要素材。《黄帝内经》翻译从 1925 开始,到 2005 年正式出版过 11 个英译本。其中《黄帝内经》全译本 4部, 节译本 3 部,编译本 4 部。这些译本产生于不同的历史时期,由不同背景的译者翻译,译本之间差异巨大,反映了中医古籍英译事业的发展进程。译者中有的是在读博士的医史学家,如美国的 Ilza Veith; 有的是出身中