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Change these direct requests into indirect requests - ….doc

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Change these direct requests into indirect requests - ….doc

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/29 文件大小:0 KB


Change these direct requests into indirect requests - ….doc


文档介绍:Change these direct statements & requests into indirect requests. statements 1. (John) I need to buy a new camera. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. (Alex) We ’ ve run out of the shrimp appetizers. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. (Angela) There was a big spider in your room but I killed it. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. (Renato) You cannot have more than 8 absences. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. (Shirley) You missed the new episode of Heroes. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. (Stefy) Your boyfriend called your three times while you were out. ________________________________________________________________________ imperatives 1. (Freddy) Clean up your room! ________________________________________________________________________ 2. (Javier) Don ’t borrow my things without asking. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. (Kevin) Please pass the aji. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. (Leslie) Please don ’t arrive late for my performance. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. (Ismael) Don ’t forget to study for each test. _______________________________