On the Stock Investment and Stock Price Bihavior
Su Pinggui
Dongbei University of Finace and Economics
By analyzing the premise and logical reasoning of Capictal Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the paper detects a default that the model of is using the independent varibale--the volitility of the return from stock price variation R=[(Pt+1-Pt)]/Pt to explain dependent varibale--the means return the investor obtained from stock price variation, there exists an logical defect in CAPM that is it explains the stock price variation by itself1>.Be directed at the ings of CAPM , the paper put forward a dynamic model that is based on the internal value of stock ,the ratio of price-earnings, the expectation of investors, the uncertainty and the supply-demand laws. The paper arguese that the main reason that cause the stock price to vary is the variation of earnings per share that reflects the variation of the internal value of stock, and all other factors influence the variation of stock price by influencing the variation of earnings per is an close relation betweenand,that is ,and the way to relate the two variables is ratio of price-earnings. The paper also discusses the relationship between the stock price behavior and the investors’ expectation of earnings per share , and the investors’ judgment of the difference between the actual and their held ratios of price-earnings. At the end, the paper conclude that the stock price fluctuate around all investors’ held price-earnings rati