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文档介绍:1 富硒酵母中含硒分子的提取和硒的种态分析高愈希? 1, 蒲云霞 1,2, 彭晓敏 1, 吴刚 2 (1. 中国科学院高能物理研究所核分析技术重点实验室, 北京 100049 ;2. 包头医学院基础医学部,包头 014040 ) 摘要富硒酵母是常见的补硒营养品,其品质与所含硒的种态有关。为了评价富硒酵母品质, 用超声法破碎酵母的细胞壁, 用考马斯亮兰法测定提取液中的蛋白浓度以考察细胞破碎程度, 用酶解提取法提取酵母含硒组分, 用电感耦合等离子体质谱( ICP-MS ) 测定硒含量, 通过提取液中的硒含量评估提取效率, 用反相离子对高效液相色谱与电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术( HPLC-ICP-MS ) 分析酶解液中的小分子硒。酶解提取法硒回收率为 % , 其中, SeO 3 2-和 SeO 4 2- 占总硒的 %, 65% 的硒以易被人体吸收的硒代蛋氨酸形式存在, 其中大部分存在于含硒蛋白分子中。结果表明: 超声破碎后用酶解提取法适合于分析富硒酵母中硒的结合形态且能很好地避免提取液内含硒小分子的转化, 所研究富硒酵母中硒主要以易被人体吸收的含硒蛋白形式存在,品质较好。关键词: 富硒酵母,种态分析, 超声破碎酶解提取, HPLC-ICP-MS 中图分类号: , O652 Extraction and Speciation of Selenium-Containing Species in Selenium-enriched Yeast GAO Yu-xi 1, PU Yun-xia 1,2, PENG Xiao-min 1, WU Gang 2 ( 1. Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Techniques, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 China ; 2. School of Basic medicine, Baotou Medical College, Baotou 014040, China) Abstract: Se-enriched yeast mon nurture for s plement. Its quality depends on the Se-containing species . To evaluate the quality of selenium-enriched yeast, the Se-containing species were analyzed as following: the walls of Se-enriched yeast were disrupted by an ultrasonic assisted procedure , and then the Se-containing species were extracted with an enzymolysis procedure . The validity of disruption was estimated based on the protein concentration in the disrupting buffer measur