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上传人:春天阳光 2022/1/12 文件大小:22 KB




creative: can produce something. new or a work of art
energetic: have full of energy●
modest: does not talk much about his /her abilities
organized: can plan his/her work well
patient: can wait without getting angry
active: enjoys taking part in different activities
influence: make someone change●
relaxed: calm and not nervous●
prefer: like one thing more than another
create: produce●
require: need ●
wedding: get married
choice: the right to decide which thing you want ●
cause: reason●
doubt: be not sure if something is true ●
imagine: form a picture in your mind of someone or something ●
valuable:very useful or important ●
develop: start to have a skill, ability, etc●
strict: making sure that rules are obeyed●
national: of a whole nation ●
matter: be important ●
stand: a place where people stand or sit to watch sports ●
prove: use facts to show that something is true ●
succeed: achieve something that you have been trying to do ●
scholarship: money given to someday so that he or she can continue study
awake: not asleep●

ancient: very old ●
fixed: not changing●
appear: start to be seen●
born : having a natural ability or skill●
discover: find out ●
期中 / 中考高频短语
eat up 吃光,吃完
keep in order 使 保持井然有序
show off 炫耀
come up with 想出(主意)
take the lead 处于领先地位


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