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酒店管理信息系统是在对酒店的日常运作进行综合调查的基础上开发出来的一套系统。主要包括酒店资源、顾客信息、结算信息进行管理,利用酒店管理信息系统及时了解各个环节中信息的变更,有利于提高管理效率。系统以Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,Delphi为前台开发工具,运用自顶向下逐层分解的模块化结构设计思想、面向对象的设计方法,完成了管理系统的主要模块。
关键词:酒店管理信息系统数据库结构设计 Delphi
In the information society, in order to gain the superiority in the intense petition, the enterprise have to use all kinds of advanced mode of administration and the technological means which helps to realize the information”s high integration, enhance the ability of getting , using and analyzing information, and develop the knowledge economy. With the development of market economy , to strengthen the information management and raise the economic efficiency , various trades and occupations need to apply the modernization information processing and management technology in the management of economy work urgently.
In the rapidly expanding hotel industry , to raise own management level strengthen petitive ability , and improve the economic efficiency , they need to grasp in the information changes of each link. Inevitably, they cannot develop puter's help.
The hotel management information system is a system which develops on the synthesis investigation of the hotel daily operation .It mainly includes the hotel”s resources, the customer”s information, and the settlement information to carry on the management. Using the hotel management information system to know the information change of each link , is good to enhance the managerial effectiveness. The system 2000 takes the Microsoft SQL Server as the backstage database, Delphi as the onstage development kit, and it also uses the modulation structural design thought which, the object-oriented design method the utilization cascade poses from the top plete the management system'