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文档介绍:Research Policy 35 (2006) 105–120
Marketing/R&D integration in the pharmaceutical industry
Markus C. Becker a,∗, Morten Lillemark b
a Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Bureau d’Economie Theorique et Appliqu´ee (BETA),
61 Avenue de la Foret Noire, F-67085 Strasbourg, France
b Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Received 1 October 2004; accepted 1 September 2005
Available online 7 December 2005
Integrating marketing and R&D inputs is one of the fundamental challenges in managing innovation. In the pharmaceutical
industry, considering its reputed ‘technology push’ model of innovation, the challenge of integrating marketing and R&D could
hardly be greater. Thus, the recent trend among pharmaceutical firms of implementing Marketing/R&D integrating mechanisms
calls for upgrading our conceptualization of the innovation process in this industry. It also raises important questions regarding
Marketing’s contribution in new product development, and how anize to assure that contribution is leveraged. We use the
case of a pharmaceutical firm which recently implemented Marketing/R&D integrating mechanisms to examine Marketing’s new
roles. We find that the extreme conditions surrounding innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, notably the need to cope with
Knightean uncertainty, highlight important contributions of Marketing input in R&D that deserve more attention. We suggest
that Marketing’s most important contribution under these conditions lies in ‘not getting it wrong’ rather than ‘getting it right,’ in
setting minimum criteria in project evaluations rather than definite targets, and in refocusing the attention of R&D staff through
the very process of providing this input. Given the value of these contributions, modern pharmaceutical firms would indeed be
ill advised to think of drug discovery as merely a linear process. Drug development has e an interactive process where the
timing, type and impact of Marketing