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上传人:书籍1243595614 2018/10/16 文件大小:65 KB




关键词:商场装修;火灾; 处置对策;救援关系
At present, all of the mall renovation of the fire disposal of this type of countermeasures is relatively weak, this, this type of fire through an overview of the mall renovation, commercial renovation type of fire and rescue difficult disposal countermeasures, rescue and other content of relationship analysis, aims In the draw for the characteristics of fire brigade fire treatment measures to improve the fire fighting forces fire on the mall repair disposal capacity.
In this paper, access to domestic decoration class shopping malls the basis of fire cases, the use of statistical analysis method first summarized the mall renovation type of fire accidents, causes and risk characteristics; Then describe the methods used were measures from the fire, the fighting started when the measures carried out during the fighting measures, fire protection measures and other aspects of logistics of the shop fitting class fire treatment measures; Finally, the rescue of this type of fire and rescue difficult relationship between the in-depth analysis in order to better deal with such a essful fire. The research for improving the disposal of fire fighting forces mall renovation type fire capability, to provide scientific guidance to decision-making has a certain significance.
Keywords: mall decoration; fire; treatment measures; Relationship Rescue
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
研究背景及意义 1
国内外研究概况 1
研究的内容和方法 2
2 商场装修火灾概述 3
商场装修火灾情况分析 3
商场装修火灾危险特性 4
着火前期特性 5
着火中期特性 5
商场装修火灾原因分析 6
主观原因 6
客观原因 6
3 商场装修火灾处置对策分析 8
防火对策 8
责任与制度相结合 8
装修材料的选择 8


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