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文档介绍:“Get the tools, break the rules, make a difference”: A conceptual map of the course
Definition and Dynamics of Strategy
What is strategy?
How can you be sure you are asking the “right” strategy questions?
How strategy develops: Context, Role-playing, Mental models, and Metaphors
Strategy petitive Forces in an Industry
Industry Evolution
Valuing Firm Resources
Capabilities for positioning
Strategy in Action
Implementing Strategy
Institutional strategy: Can strategy make a difference?
Strategic Management
Session 4
Industry Analysis
Industry Analysis
Last time we said that to develop our strategy further we need to know petitive environment. Knowing this we can establish:
What do we need to do to shape the future action petitors and other industry players?
How should we respond to the actions petitors and other industry players?
The source of profitability is evolving and so is the role of the manager
What factors explain these changes?
petitive advantage appears to be difficult
Top Ten panies by Market Value
1. GE $494b
2. Cisco $447b
3. Intel $426b
4. Microsoft $362b
5. Walmart $307b
6. Nokia $271b
7. Exxon-Mobil $270b
8. Lucent $228b
9. IBM $196b
10. Citigroup $187b
1. IBM $
2. AT&T $
3. Exxon $
4. General Motors $
5. Schlumberger $
6. Amoco $
7. Mobil $
8. GE $
9. Sohio $
10. Chevron $
1. Exxon $
2. GE $
3. IBM $
4. AT&T $
5. Philip Morris $
6. Merck $
7. Bristol-Myers Squibb $
8. Dupont $
9. Amoco $
10. Bell South $
Source: Jeffrey Williams
Then why are some industries able to sustain higher prices?
What drives profitability?
A: Intensity petition in an industry which, in turn, is determined by the structure of the industry
Why are some industries consistently more profitable than others?
Because firms in these industries consistently face less petition
What explains profitabili


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