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基于ASP旅游网站的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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基于ASP旅游网站的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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基于ASP旅游网站的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:毕业设计(论文) 基于 ASP 旅游网站的设计与实现姓名系别、专业导师姓名、职称完成时间摘要 1 随着旅游行业的不断发展,各家旅游行业之间的竞争日益激烈,旅游部门所需的信息量越来越大,业务操作中涉及的各种线路情况、客户情况以及旅游协作部门的情况越来越复杂多变。而除了一些个别地区已采用了的旅游网站,一般通常是以原始的手工方式处理/交流信息。但是工作人员若仅靠手工方式处理大量资料,很可能带来出错率的增长以及大量资源的浪费和闲置等问题。因此,只有加强对旅游信息资源的整合、统一管理,才能使旅游部门运行更加合理、高效地运转。本文是根据旅游行业的这种现状,提出解决问题的一个可行性方法:采用现代化统一的计算机网络系统,实现了旅游管理的网络化,各类信息有序地进行存储,同时采用了权限认证的方式,只有经过了系统权限认证之后,方可进入系统主控界面,进行信息管理,信息查询,在线预定,留言簿等功能的使用。实现了各种业务系统的数据集成和信息集成,对旅行社各类信息、资源进行协同集中管理。利用 ASP 技术建立动态网站, 实现旅游信息快速发布及接受游客的网上预定。关键字: 旅游信息;网络化;动态网站 Abstract With the steady growth oftourism industry, travel department sare now facing petition between each other. Various information ateach stage ofthe process ing up, such ounts payment status, client request and feedback from contracting parties, and soon. And the information volume isever growing and ing more sophisticated. Most departments usually handle these information manually leaves big room for omission and errors, and quite apart ofresources might not beutilized efficiently. Therefore, puterized system shall bedeveloped tobetter integrate the information and utilize the resources acompany equips. This system isall about such aTourism Web. Information ofall kinds are stored automatically inaorderly way, and users gothrough anrecognition procedure, those approved user enter into the main board tolook up/query info, also tomake reservation online, leave message etc. Tourism Web made itpossible tointegrate and utilize various tourism information/ data tobetter use the resources oftravel agency. Furthermore, tourism information can beknown quickly and tourists can book through the byusing ASP toestablish aTourism web. Keywords :information oftourism ;network; Tourism Web 目录 1前言.......................................................................................................................................... 1 § 开发背景...................................................................................................................... 1 § 目前旅游行业存在的问题................