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上传人:A小yi 2022/8/20 文件大小:28 KB





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  5 年前,当我即将大学毕业,正式开头诚信人生时,一个名叫徐本禹的同龄人的打电话通知他。之后尹军毅报告我他分外消沉。又过了几天,我约尹军毅到我家来玩,他提出我先到他家吃完饭他才去我家玩,这次我去了他家,可是他却没来我家玩,我也感到分外消沉。可见违约失信就是一种不忠诚的行为,它会给人的心灵带来永久的伤害。这件事时时指点我为人处事要讲诚信,哪怕是小事也要一诺千金决不失信。
  If You are Honest, I Will Believe in You
  I dont know whether you have noticed a note while you were eating in the dining room. There was a note put up on the vending machine, and the word on the paper really touched me. It said that, if you are honest, I will
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 believe in you.
  The word recalls a story kept in my mind, and now I am so glad to share with you. I believe most of you TV Spring Festival Gala this year, but who still remember an old man named Wu Hengzhong. (Look)This man, as a representative of "national moral models', was invited to pay a New Year call to the people, and was also the protagonist of the story I am going to tell.
  He was a common 58-year-old peasant in Tongnan ,Chongqing. What makes him well-known is that he has been repaying a debt, which replaced his dead son. In 2022, his son, Wu Jun, borrowed money from his relatives and then bought a truck to make a living from it. However, in 2022, a misfortune befall him as well as his family was involved. He died in a car accident, leaving a 4-year-old child and 19 thousand debt. On the day of bury, he cried at his sons grave, and said, dont worry, I will replace the debt instead of you. After that, he was in great distress over the death of his son, but still was strong and alive. However, 19 thousand debt was a really huge sum for him, so for repaying the debt, he just reclaimed all the wasteland in the mountain, the total area 52 mu and became the largest local grower. How much is the 52 muLets make a calculation together. Each mu is appro*imately equal to 666 square meters, so 52 mu is about 35 thousand square m


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