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外文题目: An Analysis on the Diversified Extension Strategy forChina’s Animation Industry
出处: Asian Social Science 2009
作者:Wenjie LiAbstract
Based on the current development of China’s animation industry, this article explores the prospect of the diversified extension strategy for it and its industry chain. In addition, some essful cases in the relevant fields home or abroad are taken into consideration to analyze how to facilitate the further development of China’s animation industry in conformity with the reality
Keywords: Animation industry, Derivative product, Commercial value
Animation industry is a core industry displaying great potential for development in 21st century. By the 1990s, the export of animations and their derivative products had exceeded that of traditional industries and the values created by animation products and services had ranked 6th in GNP. In Japan and Korea, animations and their derivative products have replaced the traditional industries to e the new pillar products of foreign exchange earning. According to statistics, the whole world has created animations and derivative products worth about $500,000,000,000. Actually, children can be taught by some classical American cartoons about some risks they are expected to cope with during their growing-up course. And it is even mentioned TV that American animati